Thumb Stones, also known as Worry stones or Fidget Stones

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These little stones look like an oval stone that has been compressed so hard that a broad thumbprint has been left in them. In this particular way, they are intended to pass between the index finger and the thumb in moments of stress and to provide relief, help in concentration and also during meditation in order to focus the mind.

Great for fidgeting and relaxing.

These little gemstones are great companions in our pockets for those times when we need to soothe our minds and nerves. They’re always there for you at a moment when you need to look out for something, something to hold on to. These smooth stones are perfect for fidgeting when you don’t know what to do with your hands.


Top uses of thumb stones:

  • Reiki healing
  • Spirituality
  • Massage therapy
  • Healing Crystal
  • Relief of anxiety
  • Relaxing
  • Healing the Chakra
  • At the exams
  • Stress in the workplace
  • Gain One’s Strength


These crystals have been formed over hundreds of years, and so every crystal in our shop is unique in a way, with its own individual traits. Take charge of all your crystals by dusting them regularly and reconnect with them by keeping them between your thumb and your index finger. Take a deep breath and exhale softly, sense the warmth of the stone and let it soothe the mind and restore the level of energy.

Blue Calcite Thumb Stone

They make a perfect gift for everyone, and they’re great to carry in a pocket.

Palm Stones for every occasion

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Palm stone

Palm stones are the ideal companions for those on the move or looking for relaxation, meditation and peacefulness of the moment. These stones would also fit perfectly as meditation room ornaments or workplace environment decorations to preserve the energetic balance of the room. Several forms of palmstone have defensive properties. Carrying a palmstone in your pocket or wallet makes it possible to protect yourself from harmful energies.

Amethyst Palm Stone

Palm stones as a meditation companion.

These stones make excellent companions during meditation, prayer, or in pursuit of a deeper connection with the universe and the Higher Self. Keep your palmstone in your palm, relax, breathe in and breathe out gently, close your eyes and feel the stone. You may experience a warm feeling in your palm, or a tingling feeling in your fingertips. This is a good indication of the profundity of the stone.

Palm stones of healers.

Many Reiki or crystal healers use various forms of crystals, and palmstone crystals are ideal for energy healers. Many healers are indeed conscious of the colours of the chakra, making it easier to pick the best palmstones for healing.

Palm stones are excellent aids to anxiety and stress, for those who face tension in their everyday lives, it is very useful to take their beloved palmstone around with them in a pocket or a pendant.