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The Winter Solstice celebration, also known as Yule, has its origins in Norse Paganism. The name it was given by modern Druid traditions is Alban Arthan. It is a celebration for new beginnings. This is so because the Sun is returning to us, so it’s a great time to dream big for the coming year and make plans that bring in some brand new energy into our lives.

The word Yule comes from Old English. It’s an ancient word, it even predates the term witch! In Old Norse, jól meant a large celebratory feast. Another way to refer to Yule is Yuletide. The first documented use of this word dates back to the 15th century. The suffix tide, found in the names of other festivals, refers to a period of time that includes a celebration. Ancient Romans called this festival Saturnalia, as it was held in honor of the God Saturn.

Yule also celebrates darkness, given that the period of time it takes place in encompasses the shortest day of the year. This makes it a great time for reflection and Shadow Work. When both introspection and new plans take place during Yule, you will have an excellent year! Yule lasts for a total of twelve days. Ever wondered why the Christmas season is celebrated in twelve days? It comes from Yule!

Some of the traditions associated with Yule include handing out mistletoe and burning logs. The Druids handed out mistletoe to their loved ones to symbolize the connection between the sky and the earth. Mistletoe is also revered because of its protective and healing qualities. They also handed out Holly to repel harmful spirits. Other significant plants associated with Yule are Ivy, a symbol of immortality, Yew, a symbol of rebirth, and Pine for healing and joy. These species of greenery are known as the evergreens.

Pagan people also used to light logs in antiquity because they believed that the smoke would keep evil away and attract good fortune into the household. Not only are the Yule logs themselves significant, Fire in Yule is of utmost importance, as it symbolizes the Sun.

When Christianity started to become prominent in Europe, they appropriated certain Yule rituals as part of the Christmas celebrations. Even the custom of decorating the Christmas tree comes from Yule. In the past, people would bring about greenery from outside and decorate a tree in their house to celebrate the coming fertile seasons. They were hung in the form of wreaths in points of entry in a house, such as doorways and windows.

The best way to take advantage of Yule is to allow ourselves space to expand our inner worlds. Remember that change starts from within! Yule is a great reminder that darkness can’t last forever, and light is always meant to come back. It’s also a great time for loved ones to gather together, an aspect that has been retained by Christianity.

Wiccan Festivals

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Wicca has a cyclical view of time. They divide the whole year into a Wheel of the Year, an annual cycle of seasonal festivals. It’s a way for them to honor the cyclical nature of time by celebrating and honoring the cyclical nature of time. By celebrating these rituals, they open themselves up to the changing nature of the seasons. They honor their belief that time is a never-ending circle of growth and retreat, heavily influenced by the Sun’s phoenix-like quality of death and rebirth. The Sun is seen as a symbol of divine inspiration.

The Sabbats, as these festivals are known, are the year’s main solar events (solstices and equinoxes), as well as some significant midpoints between them. They mark the beginnings and midpoints of the four seasons. These are times of community celebrations.

Yule or the Winter Solstice celebrates the fact that the Sun is slowly becoming more present in the sky. This is seen as a time of rebirth for the Solar God. It may be the most important time of celebration in Wicca. People celebrate by bringing twigs, leaves, and other plants (known as evergreens) into their homes. The tradition of decorating trees during Christmas is based on Yule celebrations.

Yule is followed by Imbolc or Candlemas. It’s understood as the middle point in Winter. The first signs of spring are often observed at this time. The tradition to do spring cleaning is based on Imbolc celebrations.

Ostara is the Spring Equinox. Light and darkness are now balanced again, and light is becoming more and more prevalent. It’s seen as a time of creativity and a great time to manifest new beginnings.

Beltane or May Eve recognizes the power of life and the fertility of the soil. It’s a time of flourishing. The custom of crowning a Spring Queen, common in many cultures, is based on Beltane celebrations.

Litha or the Summer Solstice is considered a turning point for the Sun. During this time, the Sun reaches its highest point and it shines for the longest time. It’s at its strongest point. This is seen as a point of decline for the Sun, as it can only get weaker from this time on.

Lammas, also known for its Irish name Lughnasadh, is the first of three Harvest festivals (the other two are Mabon and Samhain). The typical celebration is to bake the figure of the Sun God and eat it. This stands for the sanctity of harvest. It’s an agrarian-based festival of thanksgiving for the fruits of the Earth.

Mabon is the Autumn Equinox. It’s also about thanksgiving and recognizing that sharing is part of an abundance mentality. Those who share what they receive are seen with kind eyes by the God and the Goddess during the winter months.

Finally, Samhain or Hallowe’en, aligned with Halloween and the Day of the Dead, is a time to celebrate our loved ones that have passed on. It’s believed that, on this day, the veil between our world and the spirit world is thinner than usual, and we can communicate with them. It’s a festival of the darkness, which contrasts directly with Beltane and other festivals of light and fertility.

Did you know about the Wiccan festivals? Have you ever celebrated one?

Discover the Magic of Birthstones: Unleash Your Inner Talents

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birthstones zodiac

Every month has a crystal that represents it. Depending on the month you were born, you will have a different birthstone. Here are all the birthstones for all twelve months and a brief explanation about what they do:


January: Garnet


Garnet is the stone of winter par excellence. It provides the vital strength you need during the cold months. If your birthstone is garnet, you provide a lot of strength to the people around you, and you have the soul of a warrior. Garnet is also connected to what the heart desires and empowers you to do what you must to achieve them.


February: Amethyst


Amethyst is the stone for transmutation and transformation. It can turn the energy of any person, situation, object, or being, and transform it into something more positive. If your birthstone is Amethyst, you have the capacity to go through deep transformative processes. You come back from these processes better than you were before, like a Phoenix.


March: Aquamarine


Aquamarine is a gentle guide to all things spiritual. It works as a spiritual compass of sorts, and keeping it close to you will keep you on the right path. People whose birthstone is Aquamarine incarnate with an ancestral wisdom from many lives past. They can tap into their wisdom. Then, they can gently translate the most complex of truths into terms even the most skeptical people can understand.


April: Diamond


Diamonds are one of the crystals with the highest vibrations. They are great for channeling messages from Angels, spirit guides, and your ancestors. People whose birthstone is Diamond are innately prepared to receive these messages from other planes. They have the ability to work for the planet to have higher vibrations.


May: Emerald


Emerald is a crystal that aids the heart during spiritual awakenings and powerful transitions. If your birthstone is Emerald, you have the capacity to lovingly guide people whose lives have been turned upside down. You may have to go through a few of these experiences yourself to earn wisdom.


June: Alexandrite


Alexandrite encourages the imagination and the inner voice. It is ideal for people in their youth. This is so because it will help them listen to their most authentic selves. Alexandrite can help you get aligned with the path that is right for them. It encourages emotional maturity and creativity. People whose birthstone is Alexandrite are meant to master their emotions and turn them into art.


July: Ruby


Rubies are like second hearts. When you thought the going was getting too tough, and you could not possibly go on for another second, Ruby comes to the rescue. It reveals a strength in you that you did not know you had. If Ruby is your birthstone, you can help others tap into these inner reservoirs of strength. You are known for bringing your heart into hopeless situations.


August: Peridot


Peridot is a very healing stone that became popular during wartime. It treats any kind of wound or physical pain. It holds the power of nature within. Its ability to heal has to do with its connection to Mother Earth. People whose birthstone is Peridot are usually very connected to nature. They are meant to look after it and be an advocate for all nonhuman natural things on this planet.


September: Sapphire


Sapphire is a crystal that invites us to let go of stress and limiting beliefs. It is great for codependent people. This is so because it helps them to break these damaging patterns. Sapphire encourages you to learn how to be autonomous and self-sufficient. People whose birthstone is Sapphire usually have a soul’s mission that involves breaking generational trauma. They will bringing new, renovated energies into the bloodline.


October: Tourmaline


Tourmaline has the capacity of absorbing any excess of energy present in a person, being, object or environment. It is a very noble stone that sacrifices itself for the betterment of everything else. People whose birthstone is Tourmaline have the task of becoming altruistic. However, they must do so without falling into the trap of self-sacrifice.


November: Topaz


Topaz is the crystal for empaths. Those who are drawn to Topaz feel the emotions and symptoms of their surroundings as if they were their own. Topaz helps them identify these external stimuli and not carry them as a burden. It teaches people to let others feel their pain instead of taking it on as their own.


December: Turquoise


Turquoise is the crystal for inner peace. Those whose birthstone is Turquoise are natural harmonizers. They know how to order any disordered situations and turn them into a state of harmony. These people might have a harder time having adventures and dealing with surprises and excitement. However, they are like a warm blanket in the lives of their closest friends and family.



Scrying: The Door to Divination and Self-Discovery

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Scrying mirror

In pop culture, the image of a witch with her crystal ball is very popular. Scrying, however, is a deeply spiritual practice that connects you with your higher self. If done well, scrying can help you decipher the near future, as well as help you be more self-aware and gain more from your shadow work.

Scrying is a way for you to get in touch with your subconscious. It will show you through symbols what’s the outcome of a situation that’s on your mind, or what aspects of your personality you have a hard time seeing.

Want a few tips to help you? When scrying, it is important to ground yourself before and after doing it.

As it will show you images that are very personal to you, it is also important to keep a journal for scrying and write down what you saw, what your question was and how you think the images relate to the question.

It is important that you think about what the image means to you. Maybe you saw an orchid, and orchids always remind you of your grandma who passed on because she loved them. So maybe the answer to your question has to do with her or what she represents to you, independently of what a book might tell you that orchids mean.


Has scrying sparked your curiosity? Whether you’re using it as a method of divination or to advance in your shadow work, scrying with crystals can bring about a lot of clarity into your practice. Here are some of the most versatile scrying crystals:


Clear Quartz Ball

Possibly the most versatile crystal for scrying, Clear Quartz will help you visualize anything you need either for divination purposes or to enhance self-awareness. As Clear Quartz acts like an amplifier, a Clear Quartz ball will amplify everything that you are and make it visible to you.


Blue Howlite Ball

Do you tend to rationalize what you’re feeling? Do you feel like sometimes it’s hard to know what your actual emotions are? Do you have a hard time communicating what you feel, or being assertive while also remaining empathetic? A Blue Howlite Ball will help you gain a better understanding of your emotions and those of others. Once you get this emotional clarity, it will help you understand how to better communicate your needs and what you feel.


Obsidian Mirror

Ideal for shadow work. It will show you who you are clearly, both the parts you like about yourself and the parts of you that you have a hard time seeing and recognizing, or that hurt others. It will also show you your repressed trauma. If you are just starting out with an obsidian mirror, we recommend using a few pieces of Rose Quartz at the same time. Keep them close to you or wear them as a charm around your neck. Rose Quartz will give you some comfort as obsidian reveals information that can be hard to swallow. It will make the experience more balanced as you will remember to love yourself while seeing the part of you that are hard to accept.


What is your favorite tool for scrying? What scrying crystal are you the most excited to try? Tell us in the comments!


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Considering Shungite to be another mineral found on earth would be belittling its properties for which it is known and used by scientists with great admiration. There is no wonder why they love it so much due to the fullerenes (molecules of carbon atoms). It is a non-crystalline mineraloid consisting of more than 98% weight of carbon. The origin of this mineral comes from Russia, Shunga village, in Karelia. Shungite is used in Karelia to purify drinking water and after filtration, it is safe to drink.

In recent years, many doctors, scientists, and of course well-known companies are taking great advantage of this amazing mineral. The reason is that it is now considered a very potent material and relatively cheap for the solution to many complicated environmental issues.

Many people are sensitive to electromagnetic fields (EMF) that come from our phones, modern TVs, gaming consoles, tablets, laptops, kindles, microwaves, Wi-Fi and the list goes on.

EMF sensitivity can feel like but are not limited to:

  • Lack of energy, tiredness after using the appliances
  • Irritated eyes, sensitivity to light or noise
  • Waking up tired and grumpy
  • Becoming forgetful and clumsy

If you have bought Shungite in bulk, it is advisable to wash them under warm water and let them dry. Place them near all of your home appliances and stick to the back of your phones, tablets, laptops, and so on. True Shungite will conduct electricity which is the simplest way to find out if you have got a genuine stone with you.



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Indochinite Tektite

Indochinite is a Tektite much like Moldavite occurring mostly in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.

According to Dr. John A. O’Keefe, a former NASA astronomer, Tektites may have evolved as a result of lunar volcanoes or collisions, and they may have once orbited the Earth as a Saturn-like ring.

A powerful tool for healing and self-protection during the pandemic.

Indochinite is an excellent companion for healing sessions, especially for root chakra healing, from which the rest of the chakras will benefit. Wearing a Tektite will boost the vibrational frequency of one’s aura field which also means more protection and more energy. When meditating with Indochinite, you will feel grounded, which will assist in extending the consciousness beyond the terrestrial realms.

Put it in your purse or wear it as jewellery as part of your anti-covid regimen to keep yourself extra safe during this pandemic. It can recover vitality, soothe respiratory systems after an illness, and relieve allergies and hay fever. This is just a short list of advantages, but if you had covid and are feeling out of balance, this is something to think of acquiring for yourself, as well as for self-protection when out and about.




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Tarot is a way to concentrate the imagination so that it can see beyond the boundaries of our physical senses and the physical plane. The cards show what the spiritual lessons have been so far and what you have yet to learn. Most of the time, people ask certain questions about love, marriages, job, important decisions, business, investment, travel. There are many structures to study, such as the tree of life, colour scales, Hebrew letters, numerology, paths, symbolism, alchemy, astrology, myths, and meditation.

The person in tune with the tarot cards should be very intuitive and connected to their deck, the cards are the instruments of the spirit to address the questions of the lower mind. The higher mind knows the answers to all the questions. When the tarot cards are spread, they can be useful in making decisions on important topics.

There are many applications that can be used on the deck. You should choose the deck that best suits your instincts. Cards are most often laid out in trees.

For eg, Three Cards spread out for love: the first card is You, the second the other person, and the third the relationship. Next round of tree cars: what do you intend for this relationship? What is their intention, and third, where the partnership will end? The third round is about what attracts you to this individual, what are the difficulties, and, thirdly, how to deal with those difficulties.


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Being Clairvoyant means that one sees the fine matter or, in other words, the spiritual realms exactly like one sees life on earth. This occurrence is believed to happen when a third eye of the individual is opened. Many people are trying to open their third eye without any luck, but let me warn you that possessing such a vision brings great responsibility, and it’s not just unicorns and adorable fairies.

What is it about then?

As you may be aware, there is light and darkness in this universe, and they don’t mix together. An inexperienced person attempting to attune to higher realms above Earth may end up attuning to elementals and different forms of love energy beings. For this reason, it is necessary for a person to have guidance, to have the right meditation, and to have an understanding of certain matters. The astral world is pretty much material like ours, and our world appears like fog and gloom to the inhabitants of the astral worlds.

How to become clairvoyant?

First and foremost, you need to learn how to RELAX your mind. Learn to relax your body fully, which is a difficult task for many people. On average, it takes 10 minutes to get really relaxed, which also means that you have to lie down… and try not to fall asleep while doing so. Other times it can take up to 30 minutes, depending on how tense the mind is. The next step is to meditate, the first thing to do is to look inward. Connect with the Higher Mind, for this is really your spiritual guide, your angel, your guiding light, or Christ.

Spiritual Healing

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Spiritual healing

One might ask what it feels like to be spiritually healed and free from any physical or mental illness. Often spiritual healing is believed to be energy healing or psychic healing. Many practitioners who experience specific training to learn the processes of this unique healing are able to heal others afterward. People always wonder how it works and why healing hands get hot. There’s no objective evidence of how healing works, it’s all a taboo for researchers. I’m going to try to clarify how my perceptions work.

What’s going to happen during the healing session?

A healer enters a meditative state where he is connected to a person needing healing. This phase of communication arises intuitively where the healer connects with the Higher Mind of the person in mind after a certain way of meditative concentration. At this point, the healer is able to feel or even see the issue with the individual. It’s like scanning a person that needs to be healed, and when the healer is ready, the process will BEGIN.

What’s the healing process like?

It isn’t necessary to make special arrangements in order to be healed; alternatively, one must simply relax, sit in a chair or lie on a sofa fully dressed. At this point, hands and legs should not be crossed to let the energy flow freely. The healer places his or her hands on various areas of the body, and the hands may feel very hot. This is totally natural since the healer is working with the energies of the Life Force.


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Moldavite is often considered to be “born from the stars” because it has an extra-terrestrial origin. It falls in the tektite group and currently, scientists have theorized that tektites are produced by the rapid heating and eventual cooling of quartz-rich soils and rocks. The latest hypothesis is that moldavite and, in the same way, other tektites are the result of the terrestrial impact and represent molten target rocks expelled during crater forming.

Moldavite is usually sold in two main grades; standard and museum-grade, which naturally shows greater transparency and offers a distinct fern-like pattern. Either of the types has become fairly costly per gram since it is hard to find a genuine Moldavite in nature. Moldavite occurs in a variety of shades of green, including deep, forest-green, and pale to olive-green. The most desirable colour is a pure, light to medium green with no brown. The finest specimens are transparent and are known to be exceptionally rare. The most common shapes are those that result from its molten formation.

Individual tektite varieties are given distinctive names; derived from the region of their strewn field occurrence, and/or the place or country in which they are found. Examples of regional nomenclature include “moldavites”, named for the Moldau River in the Czech Republic, and “bediasites”, named for the Bedias Indians, for those found in Texas.

Indochinite, is a Tektite very similar to Moldavite.